Completed Games (Click to view all of the game's related posts)

Incomplete Games with Progress

Friday, September 26, 2008

xkcd rips off 53games!

A person with humorous observations on life?
A stack of games being played one after another?
depriving oneself of a new game until they're finished?
It's like looking into a mirror!
(53games does not condone absurd claims of theft that are baseless. 53games does condone the castration of people who don't understand sarcasm when they read it. Check out

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Progress for September 15-20, 2008 - Puzzle Quest

Sort of a meta-update all crammed into one week. I haven't been able to play much Bully with stuff like work interfering, so I've been playing a lot of Puzzle Quest on the bus. I have no idea how far I am from the end of the game, but it looks like I still have a LOT of map to cover. My warrior, Sadonyia, is at level 29. I've been pretty much spamming her red mana affinity the entire game and just spending my extra gold to boost the rest of the skills (it costs just as much to raise any skill from level 0-10 in gold, but experience can cost up to 3 times as much to raise it the same amount. It just seems economical to me.)

Mostly I've just been grinding for gold and runes, as well as spells from captured creatures. I like capturing creatures.

Oh yeah. I spent 3 hours on wednesday night trying to learn Call the Horde. I can count about 5 times when got within 15 gems of the goal totals before there were no moves available. I know randomness is what makes a puzzle game worth playing multiple times, but FUCK!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Progress for September 14, 2008 - Bully

Alright, well, there's not too much to report. I've been playing some minigames, doing a few story missions, odd jobs, etc. Bully doesn't really translate well from a storytelling standpoint.

But if you MUST now.
Pinky is a total overbearing bitch. She's comes from a long line of in-bred preppy socialites who want to keep their money in the family.. at the expense of their own genes. Her family wants her to date and marry her first cousin (which is apparently legal in that jurisdiction) but since he showed up more than 3 minutes late to their date, she wants nothing to do with him anymore.

Whatever writers they got for this game weren't afraid to break every taboo in the book with wanton disregard for tact and decency. It's a thing of comedic beauty.

Complete: 28.61%

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Progress for September 10, 2008 - Bully

Been pretty busy with work, so trying to stay on a competent sleep schedule has sort of eaten into my gaming time. I only got about an hour in today.

Passed Gym.. so that's one more class I can stop going to. I'm tempted to just pass all of the classes so I'll have nothing keeping me from doing all the missions back to back, and I'll have all the power ups as well.

Complete: 22.71%

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Progress for September 6, 2008 - Bully

Alright, now we're talking! The game is really starting to open up now. I've passed 3 of my classes (English, Chemistry, and Biology) so every so often I'll get free periods when I won't have to stop my missions and haul ass back to school and I WON'T get cited for truancy.

I can really see myself 100%ing this game, including all of the little "x out of 100" missions like the G&G cards and rubber bands, now that I have them mapped out.

I'm actually shocked and a little pissed off that art class is giving me so much trouble. It's essentially Qix, and I've been kicking ass at that game since the 5th grade. I've failed level 2 twice simply because the game doesn't have the common sense to make the collision boxes the same size as the sprites. Seriously, wtf Rockstar?

Completed: 21.16%

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Progress for September 2, 2008 - Bully

Nothing much to say today. Expect videos more often now that I'm playing a console game and thus am able to capture footage easier than on the DS.

"Hattrick vs. Galloway"

"Prep Challenge"

Completed: 16%

Monday, September 1, 2008

Progress for September 1, 2008 - Bully

A new month, a new game. I'd heard a lot about Bully even before it came out on the PS2. Apparently parent groups wanted the game banned based purely on what they THOUGHT the subject matter involved. Then they played the game. The term "foot-in-mouth disease" comes to mind.

So far, Bully seems like it is to GTA what Small Brawl is to the Twisted Metal series. The game feels very similar to GTA in the mission format, map appearance, and even the types of objectives you need to complete, except scaled down to take place in a school instead of a city. I'm enjoying the cathartic motion-controlled melee system, although I was slightly disappointed there wasn't an option to swap the Wii remote and nunchuk left/right orientation.
But then, I was also disappointed when Link in Twilight Princess for the Wii suddenly became right handed. I guess other game designers don't care about laterality as much as I do.

I'm only slightly more than 5% through the game, according to the in-game tally, so I have a considerable ways to go.